RED RAG Collective meeting: Sunday 9 October 8 people present o Advertising rates were discussed and set at £5 per 1/4 page; £10 per 1/2 page. £15 full page has been charged in the past, but full page ads are not to be encouraged because they look like normal copy. Inserts will be taken and either money or help with collating, or both will be accepted in payment. Invoices will be sent out to advertisers in the future and rates are to be advertised in following issues. o The nature of the collective was discussed: production groups at the moment mean only 1 or 2 committed people. A more flexible system for people to help may be needed, possibly with people offering help for each issue in advance (perhaps on a written list). Acorn was suggested as a regular meeting place for Thursday editorial (for want of a better word) meetings to aid continuity. Newtown Community house is available for future collective meetings. An SOS list of people to help the Rag at short notice if it's in difficulties (eg with typing, transport or collating) exists. Contact James to get on it if you're not already. o Distribution was discussed: half the Rags go to outlets. More emphasis should be put on finding outlets rather than increasing distribution service. 2 new(ish) people now look after the computer listings, and Nick is working on a new super dooper disc drive to aid efficiency. o Money: £125 after last issue, but this has to pay for Reading between the lines so it's still tight. Raising money: rather than large events taking up a lot of time, it was suggested that more small schemes raising a few pounds at a time may be the answer, eg selling plants, Red Rag postcards, busking, etc. o The Events Guide is being passed on to a new person. o Contents: there seems to be a feeling that people who want something to go in the Rag expect there to be a team of trained reporters waiting for their story. (This is not the case). Emphasis is made that if you want something in the Rag, you write it. Short pieces are very welcome. Interviews were generally agreed to make good copy. Love from Clive